Polka Dot Press: In Memory of Pat Simms

Today marks six months since Pat passed. Patricia Simms was faculty advisor of the Edgewood College student newspaper On The Edge News from 2016 through the end of 2020. To honor Pat’s legacy, I have —  with the help of Ellen Foley and the Edgewood College advancement office — set up a fund in Pat’s name, theContinue reading “Polka Dot Press: In Memory of Pat Simms”

I Will Always Drink The Kool-Aid When It Comes To Pat Simms

I didn’t want to be editor, honestly. But Pat has a way with people. The journalism class I’d taken sophomore year of college (which was not taught by Pat, for the record) did not spark my love for the industry. If anything, it had the opposite effect. So when Pat, the advisor of Edgewood’s newspaper,Continue reading “I Will Always Drink The Kool-Aid When It Comes To Pat Simms”

Black Lives Matter protest organized in Gibson City to promote education, unity

By Alyssa Allemand Residents of central Illinois marched in support of the Black Lives Matter movement on June 5 in Gibson City, Ill. Three Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley (GCMS) High School graduates organized the protest: Bailey Salyards (2018 graduate), Audrey Maxey (2018 graduate) and Caleb Rogers (2019 graduate). Salyards and Maxey are both students at Illinois StateContinue reading “Black Lives Matter protest organized in Gibson City to promote education, unity”

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