Polka Dot Press: In Memory of Pat Simms

Today marks six months since Pat passed.

Patricia Simms was faculty advisor of the Edgewood College student newspaper On The Edge News from 2016 through the end of 2020. To honor Pat’s legacy, I have —  with the help of Ellen Foley and the Edgewood College advancement office — set up a fund in Pat’s name, the Polka Dot Press: In Memory of Pat Simms.

It goes without saying (if you’ve read this post) that I miss her every day, all the time. My relationship with Pat began while I was a student at Edgewood College, and she recruited me to be editor of On The Edge News.

One of my favorite stories is the time when what we thought would be a quick check-in at Pat’s house turned into a seven-hour work day. There was a period in which we were reporting on a series of events almost daily (the Planned Parenthood/TFP fiasco), and a couple of us went to swing by Pat’s to run some thoughts by her and call it a day. But we ended up inviting over another editor, and at the small table in her kitchen, with the red and white polka dot table cloth, we fleshed out two full stories and made jokes about what we’d need to do if the paper was forced to go independent. We said we would call it the Polka Dot Press.

The Polka Dot Press: In Memory of Pat Simms will support the OTE operating budget and be used for things such as reviving print editions of the newspaper, expanding staff, redesigning the website, paying for contest fees and more. The OTE faculty advisor has say over how and when the funds are used. To donate, visit this webpage and hit the drop down under “Designation”, then select “Polka Dot Press Fund in Memory of Pat Simms.” You can also send a check to Edgewood College and put “Polka Dot Press: In Memory of Pat Simms” in the memo.

Many people know about Pat’s legacy as a State Journal reporter, but not as many know she was still such a force in her years as a teacher and advisor. This fund is a way to honor the relationships she built at Edgewood, and so much of that comes back to ensuring OTE is stable and thriving.

OTE is a space for students to gain professional hands-on experience in journalism, form meaningful connections with the college and surrounding community, foster teamwork and find their voices.

Pat was, is, and will always be the heart of that space.

To show your support for student journalism and to keep Pat’s memory alive, please consider making a donation. 

I’ll leave you with this list of things Pat has taught, and continues to teach, me:

  • Articles get headlines, not titles.
  • Use active voice, both in your stories and more importantly in your life.
  • Be strong enough to be honest.
  • Prioritize just doing what you can and doing it well.
  • Let go when you know it’s time to.
  • Being respected is oftentimes more important than being liked.
  • People will see you when you start to see yourself.
  • Trust your gut.
  • You don’t always owe people an explanation.
  • Take care of the people you love.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my love for this iconic woman, and a big thank you thank you thank you to those who donate.

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